The Real AI List

Discover the real minds shaping the future of AI

Ajay Agrawal's profile

Ajay Agrawal

Albert Gu's profile

Albert Gu

Andrej Karpathy's profile

Andrej Karpathy

Andrew Ng's profile

Andrew Ng

Aravind Srinivas's profile

Aravind Srinivas

Chris Olah's profile

Chris Olah

Christoph Schuhmann's profile

Christoph Schuhmann

Demis Hassabis's profile

Demis Hassabis

Fei-Fei Li's profile

Fei-Fei Li

Geoffrey Hinton's profile

Geoffrey Hinton

Georgi Gerganov's profile

Georgi Gerganov

Harrison Chase's profile

Harrison Chase

Ian Goodfellow's profile

Ian Goodfellow

Ilya Sutskever's profile

Ilya Sutskever

Jeremy Howard's profile

Jeremy Howard

Jim Fan's profile

Jim Fan

Jürgen Schmidhuber's profile

Jürgen Schmidhuber

Nando De Freitas's profile

Nando De Freitas

Paul Werbos's profile

Paul Werbos

Pieter Abbeel's profile

Pieter Abbeel

Richard Socher's profile

Richard Socher

Robin Rombach's profile

Robin Rombach

Sara Hooker's profile

Sara Hooker

Stella Biderman's profile

Stella Biderman

Tim Dettmers's profile

Tim Dettmers

Tri Dao's profile

Tri Dao

Yann LeCun's profile

Yann LeCun

Yoshua Bengio's profile

Yoshua Bengio